Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the FAQ first. If your question is not here or you wish to request for new features or to feedback, then email - Thanks.

What are the pre-requisites?

The web sensor api is ONLY supported by Chrome browsers on Android phones which have 2.5 billion monthly active devices in 2019.

How to check that it is working?
  1. Click Start
  2. Shake the phone - data will be displayed on screen to show it is recording
  3. Click Stop - graph of data will be displayed
  4. Click Save to save it to .csv The file name is automatically generated sensor-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.csv (UTC Date/Time)

What is the sampling rate?

50 Hz

What sensor data is read?

Accelerometer - timestamp, x, y, z

How is the timestamp calculated

From the web, it is the awake time in nanoseconds since the last boot (comparable to SystemClock.uptimeMillis()), and not time since Unix epoch.